How to Deploy apps to Heroku

How to Deploy apps to Heroku


4 min read

How to deploy apps to Heroku using the GitHub deploy method


  • We will assume you already have a discord developer account from which you can get your tokens, etc. Start here if not.
  • If you are reading this on GitHub, we will also assume you already have an account. Otherwise, if you are reading this on Hashnode, sign up for a GitHub account.
  • Finally, we make no assumptions here. You will need to sign up for a Heroku account. You can do that here.

Let us begin:


  • Once you have setup your account on heroku, visit apps-dashboard to setup the app.

  • Click "New" and select "create cew app".

  • Give the app a name and select a region.

  • Next click on "Create app".


  • Next you will be taken to the "Deploy" tab when you decide how you want to deploy your app. We will select "GitHub".
Note: For each deployment method you choose, Heroku will display steps on how to proceed. For example, deploy using Heroku CLI

  • Follow instructions on Heroku to connect your GitHub account to heroku.

  • Once you have connected your GitHub account to Heroku, you should see it under "Search for a repository to connect to.

  • Search for a repository you wish to connect to (deploy). My example shows which repositories come up as I search for twitter.

  • Choose which branch you wish to deploy. You can choose between the "development"(if you have one) or "main".

  • Once you have connected your repository with heroku and decided on which branch to deploy you will now have to pick between:

    • Automatic deploys or
    • Manual deploy
  • This final step is up to you to decide. My advice is to start with Manual if you are still developing your app. Unless you already have a CI service in place (as adviced by Heroku).

Additional Tips

  • Please contribute any steps you think might be helpful to others via comments below or GitHub